May 12, 2024 | Alex Summers

Manifestation Is Trendy, But Does It Work?

You've probably heard of a concept called manifestation that's been popular lately, especially in the self-help and spirituality spaces. It's all about focusing on what you want and making it happen by sending it out into the universe. But does it actually work? Here's what the science says:


Is it more than just a placebo effect?

Manifestation is based on the idea that your thoughts and feelings can bring about certain experiences in your life. This idea is connected to the Law of Attraction, which says that positive thoughts can bring about positive things and negative thoughts can bring about negative things. 

People who believe in manifestation think that by clearly visualizing and focusing on what you want, you can make it happen. While there are many stories of people who have had success with manifestation, scientists are not sure if it truly works.


The science (or lack thereof) to consider

One of the main problems when trying to figure out if manifestation works is that there isn't enough proof from scientific studies. Many researchers have looked at how positive thinking and setting goals can affect people's minds, but few have directly tested the specific claims of manifestation believers. Without good scientific evidence, manifestation can't be proven to work.

That said, many people still think that manifestation works, and it comes down to how it changes the way they feel and act. Visualizing something can help people do things better, like in sports, school, or work. By imagining success and taking steps to make it happen, people can feel more motivated, confident, and determined, which can help them achieve their goals.


The psychological perspective

Manifestation practices are all about being clear, intentional, and believing in your ability to make things happen. These principles are similar to well-established psychological ideas like goal-setting and self-efficacy, which show that having clear goals, being committed, and feeling confident in your abilities can lead to success. So, while manifestation might not be "magical" in any sense, the underlying principles are backed by research and align with established psychological frameworks. 

Some people don't like the idea of manifestation because it might lead to unrealistic expectations and a belief that just thinking about something is enough to make it happen. They also worry that it can ignore the bigger issues that can stand in the way of success, like systemic problems in society. And, it can make people feel like they're to blame if things don't go their way, instead of looking at the bigger picture and the things that are beyond their control.

Do you believe in manifestation?


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