March 4, 2025 | Sammy Tran

Most Popular Paint Shades In Every Color

Narrowing Down The Choices

The biggest step in painting is getting the color right. The limitless array of shades and color variations can make this part of the process seem overwhelming, but there are many new and popular shades that can help you quickly narrow things down. Let’s look at the most popular shades in every color.


Blue is a popular paint color that can be calming without seeming drab. The subdued blue-grey tone of PPG Paints’ Chalky Blue is a popular choice that blends well with black or white trim. If you want a greener shade of blue, try Sherwin Williams’ Sea Salt —actually a greenish-grey with blue undertones that goes well with white trim. For a stronger blue hue, Farrow & Ball’s Hague Blue is recognized as a versatile shade that seems to change its tone under different light levels.

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The neutrality, earthiness, and endless variety of brown makes it a popular choice. Pantone’s Mocha Mousse is currently popular for its warmth and versatility. Roycroft Brass by Sherwin-Williams is a darker shade that is also highly versatile. Going to a lighter, warmer tone, there is Caramelized by Dunn-Edwards. If you want something more reddish-brown, check out Lick’s new series of eight shades called Nostalgia.



For red, a deeper shade can give the room a classy look and feel. Examples of this include Behr’s Rumors shade, a fine subdued hue that has been praised for its versatility and elegance. Or investigate Portola Paints’ Merida Lime Wash, a pleasant color reminiscent of terracotta. If you want a bolder shade of red, try Glidden's Blaze variety—it’s bright and lively!

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Yellow is great for walls or trim, especially for well-lit east-facing rooms. With this concept in mind, Sherwin-Williams offers the soft but cheerful Morning Sun. Also check out their popular new shade Bosc Pear with its deeper golden hue. For a strong, bright tone of yellow, check out True Joy by Dulux, a shade that gives a strong summer mood to lift spirits.


Gray is the ultimate neutral color, but also brings the risk of being too drab. Benjamin Moore’s Alaskan Husky tone is a possible solution offering a silvery-white shade bringing lightness along with its unobtrusive tone. PPG’s Paints Whiskers offers a very light shade of gray that gives a room soft warmth without the glare of straight white.


Other Colors

The above are only a sample of the latest and most popular shades, but you’re by no means limited to these choices. Popular shades of purple include Benjamin Moore’s Cinnamon Slate; for a darker hue try Purple Basil by Glidden. If you’re into green, Quietude by Sherwin-Williams offers a calming shade on the bluish side; a bolder pastel shade of green is available in Pantone’s 7742C.

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What Color Shade Is Best For You

While the color shades mentioned above are currently popular, don’t forget to run through all the different paint chips. Use swatches and take your time. Examine the rooms furnishings, trim, and light levels to help out. There are so many shades available these days, with enough effort you’re bound to find the one that’s perfect for your home!

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Most Popular Paint Shades In Every Color

Most Popular Paint Shades In Every Color
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